Acest site este cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013
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Conversii FSE


"Each diploma is a lighted match … . Each of you is a fuse.."
Edward Koch, American politician


And since performance seekers always say:

“It is all right where I am, but I know I can make progress……”,

We invite you to join us in a project which meets your needs of ceaseless training.


The project „Professional training of teachers in the pre-university education system for new opportunities of career development" represents the natural sequel of the Project for Rural Education, which highlighted the deep need of so many teachers in pre-university system to have access to a second specialization.
And now, let’s answer some essential questions:


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The project creates opportunities for professional development for teachers in the pre-university education system, by their attendance to quality post-university level training programs, on a maximum 2-year period, adjusted to the technology of distance education. This will lead to improvement of teachers’ professional skills, providing significant support for their career, by the opportunity of obtaining double specialization.

At the same time, the project aims at raising teachers’ awareness on the concept of permanent training and to contribute to the creation of a culture consisting in learning throughout the entire life, all these being in accordance with the requirements of the European Union in this field.